Double Chin Reduction

Do you hate your double chin? Do you hate looking down and feeling and seeing a waddle?

Belkyra® and TruSculpt® 3D are two non-invasive and effective ways to target the pocket of fat beneath the chin.

Belkyra® is composed of deoxycholate, a synthetic non-animal chemical that specifically targets and kills fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body. Over a series of treatments, this injectable will help to reduce the fat layer in the chin to help redefine your jawline and slim your chin. It is an effective way to get rid of your double chin without surgery. Belkyra® is Health Canada and FDA approved.

TruSculpt® 3D reduces fat and tightens skin tissue by delivering targeted, repeatable and uniform therapeutic heat to deeper layers of skin and fat resistant to diet and exercise. The TruSculpt® 3D emits pulses of energy that cause fat cells to heat up and shrink, which are then naturally eliminated by the body.

Treatment in: 1-3 treatments

Results in: 12 weeks

Results last: Retreatment not needed with proper diet and exercise

1385 Grant Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Unite Interactive